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  On Sat., Oct. 19, the chapter will celebrate the 55 years since its founding, with an An-niversary Dinner. For more details, click on “Flier” in the banner atop this page, where you can also make a reservation to attend.


ZOOM Services
   Click here to read about ZOOM Service for chapter liturgies.

Sunday Liturgy
   Normally, Mass is celebrated each Sun-
day at Dignity Ctr. To see a map to Dignity Center, click on Map in banner atop each page of this website.

Board Meetings
   Generally, chapter Board meets at 4 pm on the first Sunday of the month. Check the calendar to be sure.

Membership Application
   To download a form to apply to become a member, click here.

Records for the IRS
   For tax deductibility of contributions, click here to read rules (at pp 17-20); & here for a revised summary.





      DIGNITY LOS ANGELES is an inde-
pendent lay organization seeking to re-
form Catholicism, and society in general as well.


We seek reforms mainly on issues regarding
the sexuality of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgen-
der, and questioning (GLBTQ) persons. We min-
ister to their spiritual (and other) needs as well.

We are an affiliate of Dignity/USA, a nationwide organization with scores of local chapters and thousands of members. Several chapters are in California, four in southern California. Click for a nationwide list of chapters, which is equipped with links to chapter email and chapter websites.

Dignity/LA has the unique distinction of being the founding chapter of Dignity/USA.  In 1969, a small group of Catholics began to meet to discuss GLBTQ issues and to celebrate Mass. We took a statement of the then only recently completed Vatican Council II (the quote is in the box at the right) as our inspiration in the choice of a name for our organization. In only a very few years, the organization had developed into the high-profile nationwide advocate for all GLBTQ persons that Dignity is today.

During most of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II (1978-2005), Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) was the enforcer of orthodox doctrine. Ironically, however, he had years earlier vigorously defended (see quote in the box to the right) primacy of conscience, even in the face of contrary demands of the Pope or any other church authority.

We urge you to get to know Dignity/LA better. We invite you (and bring a friend, if you can) to attend a regular chapter liturgy any Sunday at 5:30 pm (click for an index to some photos) at Dignity Center and the fellowship (i.e. a social) that fol-
lows the liturgy. Click for a map (equipped with a zoom-in/out feature) and for directions.

In the meantime, please do explore further on this website to learn more About Us. Anything that is underlined (in the text of any page of this web-
site or in either of the two rows found just below the banner at the top of each page of this website) links to still more information, on this website (or elsewhere): so just click on the link to go there.

We echo a saintly Philadelphia pastor who posted this welcome on the parish website:

  "Come into this house and bring all you are. No need to check your failures at the door. There are no perfect people here. You are invited, so come. Come in seeking, come in wandering, come in hurting. Come into this house of companionship and compassion.
       "Come in. You are welcome here."

Bienvenidos:  Para cosas en español, click aquí or on Hispanic in the banner at the top of each page of this website.

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