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      49th Anniversary Dinner (2018)      

  In the Fall each year, Dignity/Los Angeles celebrates the anniversary of its founding in 1969, as the first chapter of Dignity.  In 2018, the Anniversary Dinner for this 49th anniversary was held at Taix Restaurant, on Sunset Blvd., in Los Angeles, California, on October 20, 2018.

  At the annual Anniversary Dinner, the chapter customarily awards a cash grant to one or more worthy causes in the community that are related to the chapter's mission. This year two grants were awarded, one
to the Los Angeles LGBT Center and one to the Point Foundation.

Kiera Pollock (shown in one of the photos below) accepted the award on behalf of the Los Angeles LGBT Center (for use in its senior services); and Kevin Steen (who recommended the award to Point Foundation) accepted the the award on its behalf because it was unable have a repesentative in attendance.

 The chapter Vice-President, Tim Roberts, took a leading role in organizing this Anniversary Dinner event; and long-time chapter member Dayne Navarro served as the event emcee. They can be seen in some of the photos below.

 Additional candid photos taken at the event also appear below:

At the celebration, are seen chapter President Michael Rademacher (left) and
his long-time partner and chapter member Aldo Falcinella (right).

At the celebration, are seen former chapter president and long-time member
Fr. Kevin Steen (left) and his long-time partner and chapter member Keith
Kimball (right).

At the celebration, is seen DignityUSA President Chris Pett, the Guest Speaker
at the event, delivering his remarks from the podium.

At the celebration, are seen chapter Vice-President (and former chapter presi-
dent and long-time member) Tim Roberts (left) and Kiera Pollock, Director of
Senior Services at Los Angeles LGBT Center (right) who accepted the chap-
ter's gift to the Center at the event.

At the celebration, are seen former chapter president and long-time member
Fr. Kevin Steen (right) accepting the chapter's gift to the Point Foundation on
behalf of that Foundation, as the chapter corporate Secretary Laura Okazaki
(left) looks on.

At the celebration, are seen Archbishop Robert Clement of the American Catholic Church (left), with event guest Fr. John (right).

At the celebration, are seen Fr. Adrian Ravarour (left) and Archbishop Robert
Clement (right), both of the American Catholic Church.

At the celebration, is seen USC Annenberg School of Journalism student Dan Toomey, to whom the chapter awarded a Certificate of Appreciation (a copy of
which appears just below) at the event.

At the celebration, this Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to student Dan
Toomey, who appears in the prior photo above.

At the celebration, are seen long-time chapter members Jim Williams (in the
background) and his long-time partner Raoul (in the foreground), who were
visiting from Lompoc.

At the celebration are seen former chapter president and long-time member
Fr. Jim Maier (right) and his long-time partner John (left).

At the celebration, is seen former chapter president and long-time chapter
member Liz Larsen.

At the celebration, are seen David Kennedy representing the Archdiocese's
Catholic Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Persons (at the left) and renowned
local artist John (at the right).

At the celebration, are seen long-time chapter member Aldo Falcinella (left)
and Isai (right), a guest of former chapter president and long-time chapter
member Jason Tveit (who also appears in another photo on this page).

At the celebration, are seen former chapter president Saul Farias (left), former
president and long-time chapter member Al Kalian from San Diego (center),
and long-time chapter member Fred Kraft (right).

At the celebration, are seen from the San Fernando chapter, Sergio Guzman
(left), his long-time partner Javier Lopez (center), and guest Julio Diaz (right).

At the celebration, are seen former chapter president and long-time member
Jason Tveit (left, in the background) and long-time chapter member Patrick
O'Brien (right, in the foreground).

At the celebration, are seen former chapter president Saul Farias (right) and
his guest Ruben (left).

At the celebration, are seen long-time chapter member (and Master of Cere-
monies at the event) Dayne Navarro (left) and his guest Jacquie (right).

At the celebration, are seen an informal photo of DignityUSA President Chris
Pett, Guest Speaker at the event (in foreground) and former chapter president
and long-time chapter member Liz Larsen (in background).

At the celebration, are seen partners Tony Redman (left) and Jim Cummings
(right) of the San Fernando chapter.

At the celebration, are seen Chris T. and Chris C. of the San Fernando chapter.

At the celebration, the Sephora Variety Show entertainment performers, Big
Fun Sephora (the Host, at left), Chandi Moore (center), and Phoebe Sephora
(right), accept applause at the end of their performance.

At the celebration, there was a Program Booklet; and a
copy of its cover is shown above.

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