Each year in December, Dignity/Los Angeles celebrates Christmas with a party,
at Dignity Center or at the home of a member who volunteers to host the party. In 2019,
the party was held at Dignity Center on Saturday, December 14, 2019.
In accordance with long tradition, it was a potluck affair. The "price" of admission
had traditionally been to bring an unwrapped Christmas toy for donation to a local distributor of toys to
needy children; but this year, cash gifts were requested for donation to a local school that will
use the money for such a purpose among the needy students at the school. In either event, the
objective has been and is that, insofar as possible, every child receive at least one toy for Christmas.
Also in accordance with long tradition, at the party a "White Elephant" drawing was held.
Each "winner" can require any prior "winner" to surrender his or her own winnings in exchange
for what that prior "winner" had drawn. Sometimes a "winning" prize passes through the hands of
many "winners" before reaching its final new owner. That should come as no surprise because one
can meet the bid to bring a wrapped prize for the White Elephant event by bringing something new or
something old or something virtually worthless; and the latter category is seldom left unrepresented.
Below are some candid photos taken at the event.