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      ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY (2011)      

  Each year in December, Dignity/Los Angeles celebrates Christmas with a party in the home of a member who volunteers to host the party. In 2011, the party was held in the home of Michael and Aldo on December 10.

  In accordance with tradition, it was a potluck affair. The "price" of admission, also in accordance with tradition, was to bring an unwrapped Christmas toy for donation to a local collection of such toys for distribution to the needy, with the objective being that every child will receive at least one toy for Christmas.

  At the party, a White Elephant" drawing was also held. Each "winner" could require any one prior "winner" to surrender his or her own winnings in exchange for what the more recent "winner" had drawn. One particular wine bottle passed this year through the hands of many "winners."

  Below are some candid photos taken at the event.

John has some more left-overs packaging, even after opening his selection in the
White Elephant drawing.

Donnie checks the box label, so that he can compare it to the box contents.

Julio (seated) celebrates the bottle of wine that he extracted from Patrick, its prior winner (standing at left).

A cheery combination from Jim: red sweater, red ribbon on the wrapping, and
bright smile.

Arty probes to discover what treasures may lie within the box he has chosen.

Michael M goes red over his new pink hair dryer, to the amusement of Michael R
(in the background to the left).

Partners Bill (left) and Henry (right) begin to chow down.

Jason, during a moment of well-controlled anticipation, with Patrick in the back-
ground to the left.

Tom appears to anticipate having some viewing pleasure from his selection.

Keith admires one of the set of mugs that he has won, while Patrick (standing) helps him display them to Jay (seated) and others.

Tim seems impressed with the quality of the wrapping; but if you look closely, you
will see that he is beginning to unwrapped it (while Patrick (standing) looks on).

A buffet line gets busy. Shown (from the left) are Jason, Rob (from Palm Springs, seated), Michael (from Desert Hot Springs, seated), Henry, and Tim (at the right,
with his back to the camera).

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