Speaking Tour of Austrian Reformer Priest
Fr. Helmut Schuller, a priest who leads a church-reform effort in Austria spoke in Pasadena on August 2, 2013, as
part of a speaking tour in the United States about that reform effort. Click
to go to a website on the subject for more information about that reform effort; and click
for a flyer on his Pasadena speaking engagement.
Below, on this page, you will find some photos of the speaking event in the evening of August 2 in Pasadena,
as well as photos of an informal meeting at Dignity Center held in the morning on the day of the speech.
Fr. Schuller addresses the assembly, explaining the challenges that face the
Catholic Church at this time and the background of the reform efforts being
made in Austria by him and a growing group of Catholic priests in Austria.
Kevin, the acting President of Dignity Los Angeles, takes the microphone to intro-
duce Fr. Schuller to the assembly.
The attendees assemble to hear the speech of Fr. Schuller; and in the mean time, they share their
experiences in the ongoing church-reform movements in the Catholic Church in the United States.
David, a member of Dignity Palm Springs, prepares to
lead the assembly in the responsorial song during the
opening prayer preceding the speech of Fr. Schuller in
the evening for a general audience in Pasadena.
In attendance, from left to right in front row, were David (from Dignity Palm
Springs) and Javier and Sergio (both from Dignity San Fernando Valley).
Also in attendance were (left to right) John and Jim, with Fr. Schuller in the
background to the left.
Fr. Schuller at an informal gathering for a Continental Breakfast at Dignity Cen-
ter in Los Angeles, held the morning of the day of his speech in Pasadena.
Kevin, and others in attendance at the morning session, pay close attention as
Fr. Schuller explains theory and practice of the church-reform effort in Austria.
Shown in the tower room at Dignity Center are, left to right, Kevin (acting President of the chapter), Fr. Schuller,
Patrick (chapter member), and Michael (chapter member).