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      ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY (2013)      

  Each year in December, Dignity/Los Angeles celebrates Christmas with a party in the home of a member who volunteers to host the event. In 2013, the party was held in the home of Michael and Aldo on December 7.

  In accordance with tradition, it was a potluck affair. The "price" of admission formerly was to bring an unwrapped Christmas toy for donation to a local collection of such toys for distribution to the needy, with the objective being that every child will receive at least one toy for Christmas. This year, however, a free-will offering for the same purpose was requested.

  At the party, a "White Elephant" drawing was also held. Each "winner" could require any single prior "winner" to surrender his or her own winnings in exchange for what the more recent "winner" had drawn. Sometimes a "winning" prized passes through the hands of many "winners" before reaching its final new owner.

  Below are some candid photos taken at the event.

Aldo (left) and Bill (right) at the party. A few weeks later, Bill moved back to
his native Kentucky to take a new job.

Past-president Liz blesses the party with her broad smile.

Fred (left) glances over the shoulder of Artie (right) at the party.

Patrick enjoys his White Elephant prize but does not show the camera what it is.

Jim (left) and Tim (right) enjoy a quiet moment in the proceedings.

Tom shows that he enjoys the party but is perhaps a bit surprised by the camera.

Dayne quietly ponders what to do with his White Elephant prize.

Natasha shows that she is having a good time.

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