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      Homecoming Sunday (2016)      

  Always, Dignity/Los Angeles keeps a home fire burning for members and friends, both long-time ones and new ones. Annually, each Fall, we hold Homecoming Sunday to do all of that with special attention. In 2016, Homecoming Sunday was held on November 20, with Mass at our usual 5:30 pm, followed by complimentary lasagna and trimmings at 6:30 pm.

  Some candid photos taken at the event appear below.

At the event, chapter members Fr. Jim Williams and altar minister (and chapter
vice-president) Jason Tveit prepare a procession to start a liturgy to celebrate
the Feast of Christ the King.

At the event, Archbishop Robert Clement (of the American Catholic Church)
visits with chapter members Rev. Amber Tidwell and Rev. Donna Owen (and
chapter Secretary) after the liturgy.

At the event, chapter member (and former chapter president) Fr. Kevin Steen,
accompanied by chapter member Rev. Amber Tidwell, blesses the gathering
and the meal for the Homecoming celebration.

At the event, chapter members Aldo Falcinella and Keith Kimball (left to right)
staff the food service line, here serving chapter member Dayne Navarro.

At the event, enjoying lasagna are (left to right) chapter member Tom Giancoli,
former chapter member (and a current San Diego chapter member) Al Kalian,
and chapter member Dayne Navarro.

At the event, shown sharing cell-phone photos across the dinner table, are (left
to right) chapter member Patrick O'Brien, guest (and a former chapter member)
Rene, and chapter member (and chapter treasurer) Michael Rademacher.

At the event, engaging in lively conversation (apparently over some jewelry) are
shown (left to right) chapter member Fr. Jim Williams, guest (and also partner of
chapter member Fr. Jim Maier) John Turk, and chapter president Tim Roberts
(who exhibits an incredulous facial expression, apparently over that jewelry).

At the event, awaiting a dessert course, are (from left to right) chapter member
Aldo Falcinella, guest Sergio, and chapter member Dirk Farasey.

At the event, discussing future projects, are seen (from left to right) Archbishop
Robert Clement (of the American Catholic Church) and chapter member (and
former chapter president) Fr. Kevin Steen.

At the event, is shown (at the left) a spirited Liz Larsen (former chapter member
and former chapter president); and in the background are shown (from left to
right) chapter member Fred Kraft and chapter vice-president Jason Tveit.

At the event, Raoul Mercado (the partner of chapter member Fr. Jim Williams)
delights the group with an animated story.

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