There is a movement afoot in the larger Church to hold meetings called Lay Convocations (sometimes
also called Lay Synods). Each is a major meeting of the faithful in a region of the country, called
by lay persons primarily for lay persons; and the purpose of each is give voice to the opinions
of the laity and to spur them into action to improve the larger Church. Become more active in
church reform by consulting this index frequently and participating in the activities referenced
here and in documents to which there are links in this index.
Usually, the heading for an entry will contain the only link that you will need to go to that item.
In some cases, however, the text may (eventually) have a variety of links; for example: one link
for the current version of the item and other link(s) for prior versions (or to a further index
to prior versions, with links to them). Some items may become rather dated; and they may be moved
to the end of this index where there (eventually) will be an Archives section.
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March 29, 2008, at the
St. Joseph Center
in Orange County, California
for an article in the News page on this website (including
how to register
for the event) and
to go to the event's own website for still more information.
June 2007, in San Francisco
National Catholic Reporter (NCR) article on the Lay Convocation in San Francisco (which was
attended and supported by the Archbishop of San Francisco), plus a summary of some
rights/duties of lay persons.
August 31, 2007
Supportive and educational editorial in the NCR on the Lay Convocation movement.
August 31, 2007
NCR article on liberal Catholicism enduring in a pastoral church. It includes survival strategies
for liberals to use in an increasing evangelical Catholicism.
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